Sunday, February 7, 2010

07/13/2008 TAAA & Cloudy Skies

It's been real cloudy lately, the monsoons are arriving daily with plenty of rain, lightning, and wind. No damage around here yet but it's impossible to do any astronomical observing.
I did attend the monthly meeting of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association on Friday night. George Barber gave a great talk on solar observing for the Astronomy Essentials, and then we heard Dr. Tim Swindle of the U of A Planetary Sciences Department tell us about his adventures hunting for meteorites in Antarctica.
I've got plenty of "administrative" astronomy tasks to take care of. The CGE is in the shop for repairs; I need to bake my CCD dessicant plug; there are a few items I want to list on AstroMart; I've got some configuration work to do; I have a ton of image data to process; and of course the big one is completion of the roll-off roof shed. But it's hard to get motivated to do these things when I know I can't do any observing. So instead I've mostly been spending my play time on ham radio stuff. But I did spend some time this afternoon teaching the Astronomy Merit Badge to my son's Boy Scout Troop.

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