Sunday, February 7, 2010

06/20/2008 Yes, I Am Still Watching the Heavens

Someone asked me whether I've taken a break from astronomy since I don't seem to be blogging lately. I definitely am still stargazing at every opportunity, but life has kept me so busy that sometimes I wonder which way is up.
The past few months have been frustrating on many nights because my CGE mount was damaged and I can't seem to get it back in shape. We've enjoyed an incredible stretch of clear skies here in Tucson, for most of this year so far, but many nights I have been unable to work the CGE. There are other scopes available, but certainly the CGE has been the workhorse.
There are some exciting things coming, and I expect to be doing some serious astronomy in the fall, after monsoons (we're officially in monsoon season now, but the rains have not started yet).
Anyway I will try to post a little more often. Meanwhile here is a recent image, taken over the course of 4 nights at the end of last month. It's the Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888, and the image includes data taken with traditional narrowband filters (Ha, OIII, and SII), as well as some near-infrared filters (above 7000 Angstroms), This was my first attempt imaging with the NIR's. To see a the individual versions (i.e. Hubble Palette, CFHT Palette, and NIR) as well as an animation of the various versions, see my website at

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